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Enrollment for Non-OSU Students 

Non-OSU students can easily enroll in Oklahoma State University online, self-paced individual study courses by
calling 405-744-6390 or 405-744-6392. Or, complete the enrollment form (.pdf) and fax 405-744-3420.

Student with laptop

Yearlong courses are self-paced and are available for up to one year, but can be completed in less time. 
The I.S. office is open Monday-Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. (Central Standard Time)


Acceptable forms of payment are the following: Visa/MasterCard/Discover; personal check, cashier’s check, or money order payable (in U.S. dollars) to Oklahoma State University. Do not send credit card information through email. Email is not secure and your credit card information may be stolen. If you are a currently enrolled OSU student without holds, you can use your student ID to charge courses to your Bursar account. 



Current OSU Students: Enrollment Instructions 

  1. Current OSU students can enroll in any individual/independent study course. The semester and short courses are available through self-service at Go to registration and browse classes. Select "advanced search" and choose the instructional method "Independent Study".  Student using laptop
  2. Select the course and add to your schedule. You will see a message indicating to call the Individual Study Office for permission. Call 405-744-6390 and provide the class you would like to enroll in and your student ID number. Or complete the form below.   
  3. The Individual Study office will provider permission. Once outreach permission has been given, you will be able to enroll during your registration period.  You will receive an email “Registration Permit/Override Granted.” 



OSU Students: Request for Permission to Enroll in an Individual/Independent Study Course

Current OSU Students use this form to request permission to enroll in OSU's Individual Study/Independent Study online courses or call the Office of Individual Study at 405-744-6390.